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Seminars in English

The body as a compass for our life journey

                                    Three-day workshop September 20-22, 2024
                                    Lecturers: Anup Karia & Stanislav Háša    

                                    Friday 14:00 - 18:00, Saturday 10:00 - 17:00,

                                   Sunday 9:30 - 16:00)


Anup Karia, Dipl. PW.

I am UKCP accredited and senior BACP accredited psychotherapist and am a qualified Process
Oriented Psychologist (or Processwork) and also have a post graduate diploma in Humanistic
Integrative counselling. I have a background of 25 years experience in the field of personal growth
and therapy both in private practice as well as working in the NHS, mental health and HIV
organisations. I am the Director and faculty member of a UKCP accredited psychotherapy school
(Processwork UK) and train and supervise therapists. I am also an organisational consultant and
trainer on leadership, change and diversity issues for the public and private sector.

Mgr. Stanislav Háša, Dipl. PW

Psychologist, psychotherapist, processwork diplomate, facilitator. I am a member of the management of IPOP and the Department of Management at the University of Economics in Prague, where I deal with organizational life and management. In my psychotherapy practice, I work with individuals and couples. I supervise teams in organizations, facilitate groups in different areas, and deal with personal growth. I work as an organizational consultant, I deal with alternative approaches to management, organizational life, power in the organization, leadership, change management.


In our lives, we repeatedly deal with our health, we face illnesses, various acute and chronic symptoms that disturb us, we age and our bodies change, we deal with the appearance of our bodies and how we physically look and how we want or should look. Our personal and collective history influences our body and our psychological injuries are imprinted on our body and can profoundly affect our physical functioning. Our sense of well-being in life is greatly influenced by how we feel and experience ourselves physically.

From a processwork perspective, our symptoms, illnesses and other body experiences are our bodies and the world ‘dreaming’.They can contain the keys to living our deepest truth and purpose and navigate us in our individual lives, our relationships, our families, our communities, our society.
You maybe someone interested in their own body experiences as a source of awareness and direction.Or a body worker, psychologist, coach or therapist interested in expanding your practice in working with body symptoms. Or a group and organizational facilitator wanting to work more with bodies, space and movement.
Come explore with us how to specifically develop body experiences and trust your body navigation more, on an individual and collective level. Through this you can improve your relationship with your bodies, your illnesses and your symptoms. You will gain a deeper understanding of body difficulties, illnesses, symptoms. You will develop skills to unfold emerging patterns behind body symptoms in different sensory channels and use these body experiences for yourself, and your relationships, families or communities.


Where: Prague
When: September 20-22, 2024  (Friday 14:00 - 18:00, Saturday 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday 9:30 - 16:00)
CZK 5,300 - registration and payment by 31 July 2024
CZK 6,000 - registration and payment from 1 August 2024

We offer a limited number of subsidized places for students, seniors and parents on maternity/parental leave. The workshop is in English with interpretation into Czech.

Registration: Please fill out the registration form. Please also familiarize yourself with our payment and cancellation conditions.

Contact person: Mgr. Anna Ryvolová, Dipl. PW,
776 688 922,

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